User Research and Recruitment
Identify Candidates for Follow-Up Screening

Identify Candidates for Follow-Up Screening

Recruit engaged users for follow-up research directly within your product, streamline participant targeting, and build a motivated pool for deeper qualitative studies to drive meaningful product improvements.

This survey template is designed to help you recruit candidates for follow-up screening by identifying users willing to participate in research directly within your product. By targeting engaged users, you can streamline the recruitment process for deeper qualitative studies, ensuring you have a highly relevant and motivated participant pool.

How You Benefit: Recruiting participants for follow-up screening can be one of the most challenging parts of the research process. This template simplifies it by:

  • Asynchronously recruiting participants, avoiding the back-and-forth of traditional methods.
  • Leveraging in-product events and attributes to target users who meet specific criteria for your research.
  • Creating a seamless user experience for expressing interest, ensuring a committed pool of candidates ready for further screening.

What This Survey Helps You Discover:

(i) Problems It Solves for Product Teams:

  • Eases the challenge of finding candidates who meet precise follow-up screening criteria.
  • Eliminates inefficiencies caused by manual participant recruitment and scheduling conflicts.
  • Pinpoints user pain points, challenges, or behaviors that warrant deeper exploration.

(ii) Opportunities It Identifies:

  • Builds a curated group of users for follow-up research, ensuring richer, targeted insights.
  • Unveils actionable patterns or trends among users, which can drive significant product improvements.
  • Creates opportunities to engage with users more meaningfully, fostering stronger brand connections.

Example Use Case: Imagine you are a Product Manager for a fitness tracking app and have received user feedback indicating dissatisfaction with the app’s goal-setting feature. However, the feedback lacks clarity on the specific issues. To address this, you deploy this survey to target active users who have interacted with the goal-setting feature in the past two weeks.

The survey includes a screener question like, "Have you found it difficult to set or achieve goals using our app in the last week?" Users who indicate challenges are flagged as potential candidates. They are then directed to complete a secondary screening questionnaire or provided with a calendar link to schedule an in-depth session. This process ensures you quickly recruit relevant users for follow-up screening and gather detailed insights to refine the goal-setting feature.

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