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What is product engagement: How to measure & improve it (2024)

Measure and improve product engagement like a pro with our comprehensive guide – essential insights for businesses aiming for excellence.

February 4, 2024
Team Blitzllama

Product engagement is a challenge many product owners face. Users often interact minimally, impacting success metrics. Understanding their frustration is crucial. Users desire seamless experiences, but lack of engagement indicates unmet needs. 

This article delves into the core of the issue, providing insights on measuring and enhancing product engagement. As product owners and UX researchers, recognizing these pain points is the first step. 

We dissect the elements hindering engagement and offer actionable strategies for improvement. By implementing these insights, you can elevate user interaction, foster satisfaction, and ensure your product resonates effectively with your audience.

What is product engagement?

Product engagement refers to how users interact with a product. It's about their active involvement and response to features. 

The goal is user participation and satisfaction. This involves straightforward actions like clicks, views, and time spent. It's not just about attracting users but keeping them interested and involved. 

Understanding what engages users helps improve the overall user experience. Product engagement metrics include sign-ups, usage frequency, and feature interactions. 

By analyzing these metrics, product owners and UX researchers can make informed decisions to enhance the product's appeal and functionality. Ultimately, a well-engaged user base contributes to the success and longevity of a product.

Now that we've laid the foundation for product engagement, let's delve into why it is not just a buzzword but an essential aspect for any digital product.

Why is product engagement essential?

Product engagement is not merely a vanity metric; it is the lifeline of digital products. A highly engaged user base correlates directly with product success. Engaged users are more likely to convert, remain loyal, and become advocates for your product. 

Why is product engagement essential

In order to unlock sustainable growth and customer satisfaction, we must unravel the significance of product engagement:

1) Increased user retention and decreased churn

Product engagement plays a pivotal role in retaining users and reducing churn. When users actively interact with a product, they are more likely to find value and relevance, fostering a sense of connection. 

This continuous engagement builds a habit, making it less likely for users to abandon the product. Regular use reinforces the product's utility in the user's routine, creating a sticky experience that discourages them from seeking alternatives. 

High product engagement serves as a key antidote to the detrimental effects of user attrition, leading to sustained user retention and decreased churn rates.

2) Improved customer satisfaction and loyalty

Active engagement correlates with enhanced customer satisfaction and loyalty. A product that aligns with user needs and preferences and encourages regular interaction breeds contented users. 

Satisfied users are more likely to become advocates, recommending the product to others. Loyalty stems from positive experiences and a deep-rooted connection established through meaningful engagement. 

Consistent product satisfaction builds trust, transforming users into long-term customers who remain committed even in the face of market alternatives. In essence, product engagement becomes the bedrock for fostering lasting customer relationships.

3) Higher conversion rates and revenue growth

Product engagement is directly linked to higher conversion rates and subsequent revenue growth. Actively engaged users are more likely to convert from free users to paying customers. 

The familiarity and positive experiences garnered through sustained engagement create a conducive environment for upsells, cross-sells, and subscription upgrades. 

Moreover, engaged users are receptive to marketing messages and promotions, increasing the effectiveness of revenue-generating initiatives. The continuous interaction establishes a foundation for a monetizable user base, driving overall business growth and financial success.

4) Valuable user data and insights for product development

Engaged users generate a treasure trove of valuable data and insights crucial for effective product development. Analyzing user behavior, preferences, and feedback provides a roadmap for optimizing features, addressing pain points, and enhancing overall user experience. 

The data derived from engaged users offers a real-time understanding of how the product is utilized, enabling informed decision-making in the development cycle. This user-centric approach not only refines the existing product but also guides the creation of future iterations, ensuring ongoing relevance and competitiveness in the market. 

Product engagement, therefore, serves as an invaluable source of actionable intelligence for product owners and UX researchers, facilitating continuous improvement and innovation.

As we understand the importance of product engagement, let's explore the key metrics that provide valuable insights into user behavior.

What are the key product engagement metrics?

To gauge the effectiveness of your product, one must focus on specific metrics that mirror user behavior and satisfaction. Key product engagement metrics, such as user retention, session duration, and feature adoption, serve as vital indicators. 

Key product engagement metrics

Understanding these metrics empowers product owners to make data-driven decisions for enhancing user experience and overall product performance:

1) Product engagement score

A product engagement score is a quantitative measure that reflects the level of interaction users have with a product. It encompasses various user actions, such as clicks, views, and interactions, to provide a holistic view of engagement.

Understanding the product engagement score is crucial for assessing the overall health of a product. It helps product owners identify areas of improvement, gauge user satisfaction, and track the impact of changes or new features on user engagement.

For instance, a social media platform may assign points for actions like posting, liking, and commenting. The product engagement score is then calculated based on these points, giving a numerical representation of how users are actively participating in the platform.

2) Week 1 engagement

Week 1 engagement measures the level of user interaction within the first week of using a product. It includes actions taken by users during this critical onboarding period.

Tracking Week 1 engagement is essential because it provides insights into the initial user experience. A positive experience in the early stages increases the likelihood of user retention and long-term engagement.

Consider a mobile app. Week 1 engagement metrics may involve the number of times a user opens the app, completes onboarding steps, and performs key actions. High Week 1 engagement often correlates with a higher likelihood of users continuing to use the app regularly.

3) Monthly active users/weekly active users (product stickiness)

Monthly Active Users (MAU) and Weekly Active Users (WAU) measure the number of users engaging with a product within a specific time frame. Product stickiness refers to the ability of a product to retain users over time.

These metrics are crucial indicators of a product's stickiness, providing insights into its ability to retain a consistent user base. Stickiness is a key factor in the long-term success of a product.

For example, a project management tool may track MAU and WAU to assess how regularly users utilize the platform. A high stickiness indicates that users find ongoing value in the product, fostering loyalty and continued usage.

4) Time in product

Time in product measures the amount of time users spend actively engaging with a product. It includes the duration of each session and the overall time spent on the product.

Understanding the time users invest in a product is vital for assessing user engagement and satisfaction. It helps in identifying which features or aspects are capturing users' attention and interest.

Consider an e-learning platform. Time in product metrics would gauge how long users spend on the platform, the duration of each learning session, and which courses or modules attract the most attention. This insight is valuable for optimizing content and user experience.

5) Feature adoption rate

Feature adoption rate measures the rate at which users start using a new feature after its introduction. It indicates how quickly and effectively users integrate the new functionality into their regular interactions with the product.

Monitoring feature adoption is crucial for evaluating the success of product updates. A high adoption rate indicates that users find value in the new feature, contributing to overall engagement.

In a messaging app, the introduction of a video calling feature can be assessed through feature adoption rate. A rapid increase in the number of users using the video calling feature shortly after its release demonstrates successful integration into user workflows.

6) Retention rate

Retention rate measures the percentage of users who continue to use a product over time. It helps assess the product's ability to retain its user base and build long-term relationships.

High retention rates are indicative of satisfied users and a product that consistently delivers value. Monitoring retention is essential for understanding user loyalty and the effectiveness of ongoing efforts to enhance the product.

For a subscription-based streaming service, the retention rate would track the percentage of users who continue their subscription after the initial sign-up. A high retention rate suggests that users find the content compelling and the service worth the ongoing investment.

7) Churn rate

The churn rate is the percentage of users who stop using a product within a given period. It measures user attrition and is crucial for understanding the factors leading to user disengagement.

Monitoring the churn rate is essential for identifying pain points and areas of dissatisfaction within the product. A high churn rate signals the need for improvements to enhance user satisfaction and retention.

In a software-as-a-service (SaaS) platform, the churn rate would measure the percentage of customers who cancel their subscriptions. Analyzing reasons for churn, such as user feedback or lack of certain features, guides product enhancements to reduce future attrition.

Now that we've identified the metrics, the next step is understanding how to measure product engagement accurately.

How do you measure product engagement?

Measuring product engagement requires a strategic approach. Utilizing tools and analytics to track user actions, analyze data patterns, and derive meaningful insights is imperative. 

Measure product engagement

By implementing effective measurement strategies, product owners and UX researchers can gain a comprehensive understanding of user engagement levels and identify areas for improvement:

Step 1: Set-up product analytics

Effective product engagement measurement begins with robust product analytics tools. Tools like Amplitude or Mixpanel help product owners and UX researchers gather valuable data about user interactions. Here's how to set up product analytics for optimal measurement:

Select the right analytics tool: Choose a tool that aligns with your specific needs and objectives. Amplitude, for instance, is known for its user-centric approach, while Mixpanel offers detailed event tracking.

Implement tracking codes: Embed tracking codes into your product to capture user actions. This could include clicks, page views, sign-ups, and other relevant events. Ensure that your tracking setup aligns with the key metrics you want to measure.

Define events and goals: Clearly define the events and goals that matter most for your product. Whether it's completing a purchase, onboarding completion, or other user interactions, having a well-defined set of events will guide your measurement efforts.

Segment users: Utilize segmentation to break down user groups based on specific criteria. This allows you to analyze engagement patterns among different user segments, providing valuable insights for targeted improvements.

Step 2: Identify problem areas

Once your product analytics are in place, the next step is to identify areas where user engagement may be lacking. This involves a careful examination of the data to pinpoint potential issues. Here's how to effectively identify problem areas:

Analyze user journeys: Study user journeys within your product to understand how users navigate and interact. Identify drop-off points and areas where users may be experiencing difficulties or dissatisfaction.

Examine user feedback: Leverage user feedback channels, such as surveys, reviews, and support tickets, to gain insights into user pain points. Look for common themes or recurring issues that may be hindering engagement.

Track user metrics: Monitor key user metrics, such as retention rates, bounce rates, and time on page. Sudden drops or consistently low metrics can indicate problem areas that need attention.

Benchmark against competitors: Compare your product's engagement metrics with industry benchmarks and competitor performance. This external perspective can highlight areas where your product may be falling behind or excelling.

Step 3: Create your hypotheses

With identified problem areas, it's time to formulate hypotheses about potential solutions or optimizations. Hypotheses provide a structured approach to testing and iterating on improvements. Follow these steps to create effective hypotheses:

Clearly define the problem: Articulate the problem you aim to address in clear and concise terms. Ensure a shared understanding among your team about the specific issue at hand.

Identify possible solutions: Brainstorm potential solutions to the identified problem. Consider user interface changes, feature additions, or adjustments to the user journey that could positively impact engagement.

Prioritize hypotheses: Prioritize your hypotheses based on potential impact and feasibility. Focus on high-impact, low-effort changes for quick wins, while also considering long-term strategic improvements.

Create measurable outcomes: Define measurable outcomes for each hypothesis. Whether it's an increase in user retention, a higher conversion rate, or improved satisfaction scores, having clear metrics ensures objective evaluation.

Step 4: Measure the results

After implementing changes based on your hypotheses, it's crucial to measure the results to gauge the effectiveness of your optimizations. Follow these steps to accurately measure the impact:

Set baseline metrics: Establish baseline metrics before implementing changes. This provides a reference point for comparison and helps quantify the impact of your optimizations.

Use A/B testing: Implement A/B testing to compare the performance of the original product version (control group) with the updated version (experimental group). This allows for a direct comparison of the two variations.

Analyze user feedback: Continue to gather user feedback post-implementation. Analyze user reactions, comments, and any new feedback to understand the qualitative impact of your changes.

Iterate based on data: Use the measured results to inform further iterations. If the changes had a positive impact, consider expanding or refining them. If the impact was minimal or negative, reassess your hypotheses and adjust your approach accordingly.

Now equipped with the knowledge of measuring product engagement, let's explore actionable steps to enhance it.

How to improve product engagement?

Improving product engagement is an ongoing process that involves a combination of refining features, optimizing user interfaces, and addressing user feedback. By focusing on enhancing the user experience and delivering value consistently, product owners can foster increased engagement, satisfaction, and loyalty among their user base:

1) Create interactive walkthroughs and onboarding checklists to guide users properly

One effective way to improve product engagement is through the implementation of interactive walkthroughs and onboarding checklists. These tools serve as a guiding hand for users, ensuring a seamless and efficient onboarding experience.


Slack onboarding

For instance, Slack, the team collaboration platform, employs a user-friendly interactive onboarding process. It offers a step-by-step walkthrough highlighting key features, encouraging users to explore and understand the platform's functionality. By providing clear guidance, users are more likely to engage actively with the product.

Key pointers:

  • Design interactive walkthroughs that are concise and focused on essential features.
  • Integrate onboarding checklists that users can follow to set up their profiles or complete initial tasks.
  • Ensure that the onboarding process is intuitive, minimizing confusion for new users.

2) Track in-app user engagement and create personalized flows

Understanding user behavior within the application is crucial for enhancing product engagement. By tracking in-app user engagement, product owners can gain valuable insights and create personalized user flows that cater to individual preferences.


Amazon recommendations

Amazon, the e-commerce giant, excels in personalized user experiences. By tracking user searches, purchase history, and preferences, Amazon tailors product recommendations, creating a personalized journey for each user. This not only boosts engagement but also enhances the overall user satisfaction.

Key pointers:

  • Implement analytics tools to track user interactions within the application.
  • Analyze user data to identify patterns and preferences.
  • Create personalized user flows that guide users towards relevant content or features.

3) Segment customers based on engagement level and identify inactive customers

Segmentation is a powerful strategy to tailor communication and engagement efforts based on user behavior. By categorizing customers according to their engagement levels, product owners can target specific groups with relevant messaging and interventions.


Spotify product engagement

Spotify, the music streaming service, segments users based on their listening habits. They identify users who haven't engaged recently and send targeted emails with personalized playlists or exclusive content, encouraging inactive users to return and explore new features.

Key pointers:

  • Define engagement metrics and categories to segment users effectively.
  • Develop targeted communication strategies for each segment.
  • Implement re-engagement campaigns to bring inactive users back into the product ecosystem.

4) Use gamification strategies to boost product engagement

Gamification involves incorporating game-like elements into non-game contexts to enhance user engagement. By introducing elements like challenges, rewards, and competitions, product owners can make the user experience more enjoyable and interactive.


Duolingo gamification
Source: ResearchGate

Duolingo, the language learning app, employs gamification to motivate users to consistently practice. Users earn points, unlock achievements, and participate in challenges, turning language learning into an engaging and competitive experience.

Key pointers:

  • Identify key actions or milestones within the product that can be gamified.
  • Integrate badges, points, or rewards to encourage users to complete tasks or achieve goals.
  • Regularly update and introduce new gamified elements to maintain user interest.

5) Build an in-app help center to offer on-demand support and remove friction

Providing on-demand support within the application itself is crucial for resolving user queries and removing obstacles that hinder engagement. An in-app help center serves as a resource hub, offering guidance and solutions whenever users encounter difficulties.


Google help center

Google Workspace, which includes products like Gmail and Google Docs, incorporates an extensive in-app help center. Users can access tutorials, FAQs, and troubleshooting guides directly from the application, facilitating a smoother user experience.

Key pointers:

  • Develop a comprehensive help center with easily accessible resources.
  • Implement a search functionality to enable users to find solutions quickly.
  • Regularly update the help center to address common user queries and issues.

As we embark on the journey to improve product engagement, understanding and employing the right tools become instrumental. Let's explore the best tools to track, measure, and enhance product engagement.

Best tools to track, measure, and improve product engagement

Choosing the right tools can make or break your product engagement efforts. In this section, we highlight the best-in-class tools for tracking, measuring, and improving product engagement:

Feedback tools:

1) Blitzllama


Blitzllama is a robust feedback tool designed to capture user sentiments seamlessly. With its intuitive interface, it allows product owners to create customized surveys, ensuring a tailored approach to gathering insights. Users appreciate its simplicity, making feedback collection a smooth process.

2) Qualtrics


Qualtrics stands out for its versatility in feedback management. It offers various survey formats and channels, enabling product owners to reach users at different touchpoints. The real-time analytics feature helps in swift data interpretation, making it a valuable tool for agile decision-making.

3) Hotjar


Hotjar's heatmaps and session recording functionalities give product owners a visual understanding of user interactions. This tool excels in providing actionable insights by visually mapping user behavior. The user-friendly interface allows for easy navigation and quick implementation of feedback-driven improvements.


1) Userpilot


Userpilot streamlines the onboarding process by allowing product owners to create interactive guides and tooltips. Its drag-and-drop interface simplifies the task of crafting engaging onboarding experiences. The tool's analytics feature enables continuous optimization based on user interactions.

2) Pendo


Pendo focuses on guiding users through the product journey with in-app messages and walkthroughs. Its user segmentation capabilities help tailor onboarding experiences to specific user groups. Pendo's real-time analytics empowers product owners to assess the effectiveness of onboarding strategies promptly.

3) Chameleon


Chameleon excels in creating personalized onboarding experiences through its customizable in-app messaging. Product owners can target specific user segments with relevant information, ensuring a smoother onboarding process. Chameleon's analytics dashboard provides insights into user engagement, aiding in continuous refinement.


1) Airship


Airship specializes in delivering personalized content through push notifications. Its AI-driven recommendations ensure that users receive relevant updates, enhancing engagement. Product owners appreciate the automation capabilities, allowing for a hands-free yet tailored approach to communication.

2) Braze


Braze enables personalized messaging across various channels, ensuring a consistent user experience. Its dynamic content delivery adapts to user preferences, increasing the likelihood of engagement. The tool's comprehensive analytics help product owners assess the impact of personalized campaigns on user behavior.

3) Userlane


Userlane stands out for its interactive on-screen guides, ensuring personalized guidance for users. Its adaptive learning paths adjust based on user interactions, providing a tailored experience. Product owners can leverage Userlane's analytics to understand user proficiency and refine personalization strategies.


1) Mixpanel


Mixpanel is a robust analytics tool that allows product owners to track user interactions and behavior in real-time. Its funnel analysis feature helps identify bottlenecks in the user journey, enabling focused optimization efforts. Mixpanel's intuitive interface and customizable dashboards make data interpretation accessible for product owners.

2) Amplitude


Amplitude stands out for its comprehensive user behavior analytics, allowing product owners to gain a deep understanding of user interactions. Its retention analysis feature aids in assessing user loyalty over time. Amplitude's collaboration features facilitate cross-functional teams in utilizing analytics for informed decision-making.

3) Microsoft Clarity

Microsoft Clarity

Microsoft Clarity provides a user-friendly platform for visualizing user interactions through session recordings and heatmaps. Product owners appreciate its simplicity in uncovering user experience issues. The tool's integration with other Microsoft products makes it a convenient choice for those already using the Microsoft ecosystem.


In essence, product engagement is the vital metric that determines a user's interaction with a product. Understanding and gauging this interaction is pivotal for product owners and UX researchers alike. 

By focusing on tangible metrics like user sessions, clicks, and time spent, one can quantifiably measure product engagement. Regularly analyzing these metrics enables swift identification of user preferences and pain points. 

The key lies in proactively responding to these insights, refining features, and optimizing user interfaces. Through this iterative process, product engagement can be enhanced, ensuring a seamless user experience that aligns with the objectives of both product owners and UX researchers.

FAQs related to product engagement

1) How do you increase product engagement?

Boosting product engagement involves simplifying user interactions and enhancing features. Streamline navigation, provide clear calls-to-action, and offer valuable content. Regularly update the product based on user feedback to address pain points. Utilize analytics to identify drop-off points and refine those areas. Encourage user participation through gamification or rewards, fostering a sense of accomplishment.

2) What is the product engagement formula?

The product engagement formula is a quantitative approach to assess user involvement. It typically includes metrics like user sessions, time spent, and interactions. Calculate the Engagement Rate by dividing active users by total users, multiplied by 100. Incorporate feedback loops, emphasizing user satisfaction and ease of use. The formula evolves with user behavior changes, ensuring adaptability.

3) What makes a product engaging?

An engaging product integrates user-centric design, intuitive navigation, and responsive interfaces. Prioritize simplicity in design elements, avoiding unnecessary complexity. Effective communication through concise messaging and tooltips enhances user understanding. Seamless onboarding experiences are crucial, guiding users through key functionalities. Continuous improvement based on user data and preferences ensures sustained engagement.

4) What is a high engagement product?

A high engagement product captivates users through a combination of factors. Accessibility is paramount, ensuring the product accommodates diverse user needs. Regular updates and feature enhancements maintain user interest. Personalization, tailoring experiences to individual preferences, fosters a connection. Additionally, a responsive support system addresses user queries promptly, enhancing the overall user experience. High engagement products exhibit a balance between innovation and user familiarity, creating a positive and lasting impact.