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App feedback: Everything you need to know (2024)

In this comprehensive guide, we'll discuss the different types of feedback, the importance of collecting feedback, and how to use it to improve your app.

January 11, 2024
Team Blitzllama

Product owners and UX researchers often struggle with a common challenge: deciphering user feedback for app improvement. 

Understanding the myriad perspectives and sentiments can be overwhelming. Frustration arises when valuable insights are buried in the feedback abyss. 

In this comprehensive guide, we empathize with the struggle and offer a clear solution. We'll learn to extract meaningful patterns, uncover hidden pain points, and transform user input into a powerful tool for enhancing your product. 

Dive into this article for a roadmap to navigate the feedback landscape with confidence and effectiveness.

What is the app feedback?

App feedback is vital for product owners and UX researchers to enhance user experience. It consists of user opinions, suggestions, and criticisms regarding the application's functionality and design. 

Users share their experiences with the app, highlighting both positive and negative aspects. This feedback helps identify areas of improvement, enabling product owners to make informed decisions. 

Positive feedback reinforces successful features, while negative feedback pinpoints issues requiring attention. Through active listening and analysis of feedback, product owners can prioritize enhancements, leading to a more user-friendly and effective app. 

Regularly collecting and acting upon app feedback fosters a collaborative relationship between developers and users, ultimately resulting in a better product.

Now that we've established the importance of app feedback, let's delve into the various benefits it brings to the table.

What are the benefits of app feedback?

The benefits of app feedback are numerous and impactful. By actively seeking and incorporating user opinions, you can improve user satisfaction, identify and rectify issues promptly, and enhance overall product functionality. 

Benefits of app feedback

This engagement not only fosters a sense of community but also establishes a feedback loop that drives continuous improvement:

1) Provides insight into how to improve the usability of a particular feature.

App feedback plays a pivotal role in enhancing the usability of specific features. Users, through their comments and suggestions, offer valuable insights into what works well and what doesn't. 

This direct input allows product owners and UX researchers to identify pain points, understand user preferences, and make informed decisions for refining the user interface. 

By actively seeking and considering user feedback, developers can optimize the design and functionality of features, ensuring a smoother and more user-friendly experience.

2) Drives deeper discussions about possible changes with users who are already performing certain actions.

Engaging with users who are actively using certain features provides an opportunity for in-depth discussions. By leveraging app feedback, product owners and UX researchers can initiate conversations with these users to gain a deeper understanding of their experiences and expectations. 

This direct interaction helps identify specific pain points or areas of confusion, allowing for targeted improvements. Through these discussions, a collaborative relationship can be established, ensuring that changes align with user needs and preferences, ultimately leading to a more satisfying user experience.

3) Uncovers and fixes bugs.

App feedback serves as an efficient tool for bug detection and resolution. Users often report issues they encounter while using an app, ranging from minor glitches to critical malfunctions. 

This feedback acts as a valuable source of information for developers, enabling them to identify and address bugs promptly. Rapid bug fixes not only contribute to a smoother user experience but also demonstrate a commitment to quality and responsiveness. 

Regularly monitoring and acting upon user-reported issues ensure that the app remains stable, reliable, and free from disruptive technical issues.

4) Captures new ideas for product improvements and app development.

User feedback serves as a wellspring of creativity and innovation. Through comments, suggestions, and feature requests, users contribute fresh ideas for product improvements and future app development. 

By actively listening to this input, product owners and UX researchers can uncover novel insights that might have been overlooked during the initial design phase. 

This continuous influx of ideas fosters a dynamic and responsive development process, enabling the app to evolve in alignment with user expectations. Harnessing user creativity not only enhances the app's functionality but also fosters a sense of user ownership and satisfaction.

5) Available around the clock, making real-time feedback a more convenient customer option.

One of the key advantages of app feedback is its real-time accessibility. Users can share their thoughts and experiences with the app at any time, making it a convenient option for providing input. 

This immediacy enables product owners and UX researchers to stay agile and responsive, addressing issues and implementing improvements promptly. 

The ability to receive feedback around the clock ensures that the development team remains connected with user sentiments, fostering a continuous improvement cycle that aligns with evolving user needs and market trends. The availability of real-time feedback strengthens the user-developer relationship, enhancing overall product satisfaction.

With a clear understanding of the advantages, let's explore the different types of app feedback that contribute to these benefits.

Types of app feedback

App feedback comes in diverse forms, providing nuanced perspectives on user experiences. From ratings to written comments and feature requests, each type offers unique insights. 

Types of app feedback

Understanding these variations is essential for tailoring your approach to collecting and interpreting feedback effectively:

1) General feedback:

General feedback provides an overall perspective on the user's experience with an app. It encompasses users' broad sentiments and impressions, helping product owners and UX researchers understand the app's overall effectiveness. Here are key aspects of general feedback:

User satisfaction: Users often express their satisfaction or dissatisfaction with the app. Positive feedback indicates features that users appreciate, while negative feedback highlights areas for improvement.

Usability insights: General feedback provides insights into the app's usability. Users may comment on the ease of navigation, clarity of interface elements, and overall user-friendliness.

Performance comments: Users may share their thoughts on the app's performance, including speed, responsiveness, and any technical issues they encounter. Monitoring these comments helps identify and address potential performance issues.

Feature requests: Users may suggest new features or improvements to existing ones. These insights are valuable for prioritizing future development efforts and aligning the app with user expectations.

2) Contextual feedback:

Contextual feedback delves deeper into specific aspects of the user experience by considering the context in which users interact with the app. This type of feedback provides nuanced insights that can inform targeted improvements. Here are key aspects of contextual feedback:

Task-specific comments: Users often provide feedback related to specific tasks or workflows within the app. Understanding the context of their actions helps identify pain points and areas where the app can better support users in achieving their goals.

Device and environment considerations: Contextual feedback takes into account the devices users employ and the environments in which they use the app. This information is crucial for optimizing the app's compatibility and performance across various platforms and settings.

User journey insights: By examining the user journey, contextual feedback uncovers the sequence of actions users take. This includes entry points, feature usage patterns, and exit points. Analyzing this feedback aids in refining the app's flow and enhancing the overall user experience.

Feedback during beta testing: Gathering contextual feedback during beta testing allows for real-world testing scenarios. Users provide feedback in diverse contexts, offering valuable insights into how the app performs in different situations.

Now that we've categorized the types of app feedback, let's move on to discussing strategies for collecting it.

How do you collect app feedback?

Effectively collecting app feedback involves implementing strategic methodologies. Utilizing in-app surveys, widgets, and leveraging user reviews are just a few techniques. 

How do you collect app feedback

By employing a combination of these methods, product owners and UX researchers can create a holistic approach to feedback collection:

In-app surveys

CSAT survey

Placement matters:

  • Embed Customer Satisfaction (CSAT) surveys strategically within your app.
  • Position the survey at natural breakpoints, like after completing a task or transaction.
  • Avoid bombarding users; choose opportune moments to capture their feedback.

Scale simplicity:

  • Opt for a straightforward 5-point scale for easy comprehension.
  • Use language that resonates with your audience, ensuring clarity in each question.

Personalize queries:

  • Tailor questions to specific user interactions, addressing their experiences directly.
  • Avoid generic inquiries; inquire about features or aspects relevant to recent user engagements.

NPS survey

Strategic timing:

  • Implement Net Promoter Score (NPS) surveys at key touchpoints in the user journey.
  • Focus on critical moments where users are likely to assess the app's value.

Clear actionable insights:

  • Include an open-ended question to extract qualitative feedback.
  • Encourage users to explain their scores, providing deeper insights into their sentiments.

Promote advocacy:

  • Leverage promoters by incorporating referral options post-survey.
  • Turn satisfied users into brand advocates with seamless sharing features.

CES survey

Post-interaction evaluation:

  • Customer Effort Score (CES) surveys should follow specific interactions.
  • Evaluate how effortless or cumbersome users find tasks to refine user experience.

Keep it snappy:

  • Limit CES survey length to ensure higher completion rates.
  • Focus on pinpointing areas of improvement to streamline user journeys.

Customer feedback widgets

Visible and accessible:

  • Integrate feedback widgets visibly on key app screens.
  • Prioritize accessibility to encourage users to share their opinions effortlessly.

User-friendly interface:

  • Design widgets with an intuitive interface, minimizing friction in the feedback process.
  • Utilize simple, clickable icons or buttons for quick responses.

Contextual prompts:

  • Use widgets to prompt feedback based on specific user actions.
  • Tailor prompts to gather insights on recent updates or feature introductions.

Ratings and reviews

Timely requests:

  • Prompt users to rate your app after they've had sufficient time to explore its features.
  • Avoid seeking ratings too early, allowing users to form informed opinions.

Direct to app store:

  • Include direct links to app stores in your requests for seamless rating submissions.
  • Reduce friction by guiding users to the right platform to share their experiences.

Engage with reviews:

  • Actively respond to user reviews, addressing concerns and expressing gratitude for positive feedback.
  • Demonstrate your commitment to user satisfaction, fostering a sense of community.

Now that we understand the collection methods, let's explore best practices for ensuring effective and meaningful feedback.

Best practices to collect app feedback

Successful feedback collection relies on a set of best practices. These include providing clear avenues for feedback, timing the requests appropriately, and ensuring a user-friendly interface for submissions. 

By adhering to these practices, product owners can foster a positive feedback loop that enhances the overall user experience:

1) Use in-app surveys

In app surveys

In-app surveys are a powerful tool for gathering user feedback seamlessly. Embed short, targeted surveys within your app interface to capture insights while users are engaged. Keep questions concise and relevant to specific app interactions. This method ensures a direct connection between user experience and feedback, increasing response rates.

2) Prompt at the right time

App feedback at right time

Timing is crucial when seeking app feedback. Prompt users for feedback at strategic moments, such as after completing a task or achieving a milestone. Avoid interrupting critical tasks, ensuring users are more likely to provide thoughtful responses. Strategic timing enhances the likelihood of receiving feedback that reflects the user's current experience.

3) Make it easy to give feedback

Make it easy to give feedback

Simplify the feedback process to encourage user participation. Create user-friendly forms with clear, straightforward questions. Minimize the number of steps required to submit feedback, and provide predefined response options when applicable. An effortless feedback process not only increases completion rates but also contributes to the accuracy and reliability of the collected insights.

4) Ask open-ended questions

Open-ended app feedback

Encourage detailed feedback by incorporating open-ended questions into your surveys. Instead of limiting responses to predefined choices, invite users to share their thoughts in their own words. This approach provides rich qualitative data, offering deeper insights into user experiences. Open-ended questions facilitate a more comprehensive understanding of user sentiments and uncover valuable aspects that predefined options might miss.

With the feedback collected, let's move on to deciphering and analyzing the gathered information for actionable outcomes.

How to interpret and analyze the app feedback?

Interpreting and analyzing app feedback requires a systematic approach. By categorizing feedback and identifying patterns, product owners can extract meaningful insights. 

This analysis forms the foundation for informed decision-making in the subsequent stages of product development:

Gather and organize:


  • Pool feedback collected from the diverse sources (like app reviews, in-app surveys, user interviews, etc.) onto a centralized platform for streamlined access.
  • Having a singular repository simplifies the process of monitoring and responding to feedback promptly.


  • Utilize tags or keywords to systematically categorize feedback by themes, features, and sentiments (positive, negative, neutral).
  • This categorization strategy facilitates the identification of prevailing patterns and recurring issues, aiding in targeted improvements.


  • Employ metrics such as frequency of mentions, Net Promoter Score (NPS), or rating trends to prioritize issues based on their impact and urgency.
  • This quantitative approach ensures that resources are allocated efficiently, addressing critical concerns that significantly affect user satisfaction.

Analyze and interpret:

Sentiment analysis:

  • Employ tools like MonkeyLearn or SentiSum to gauge the overall mood of user feedback, distinguishing between satisfaction, frustration, or confusion.
  • Understanding sentiment provides valuable insights into user emotions, enabling a more empathetic and targeted response.

Thematic analysis:

  • Identify key themes and recurring topics within the feedback to discern user priorities and areas requiring improvement.
  • This analytical method unveils the core concerns of users, aiding in strategic decision-making for enhancing the overall user experience.

Look for trends:

  • Analyze the frequency and context of feedback to discern emerging trends, uncovering issues associated with specific features or common pain points across user segments.
  • Identifying trends enables proactive problem-solving, preventing potential challenges from escalating.

Go beyond the surface:

  • Look beyond the explicit content of user feedback to uncover the underlying motivations, needs, and frustrations.
  • Understanding the 'why' behind the feedback fosters a deeper comprehension of user expectations and allows for more holistic and user-centric improvements.

Now that we've analyzed the feedback, let's explore integrating it into the product development cycle for continuous improvement.

How do we implement the app feedback into the product development cycle?

Effective implementation of app feedback involves seamlessly integrating insights into the product development cycle. 

This iterative process ensures that user suggestions and pain points are not only acknowledged but also actively addressed, resulting in continuous improvement and user satisfaction:

Prioritizing feedback for impact

Quantitative vs. Qualitative insights:

  • Balance your approach by combining data-driven metrics like crash reports and feature usage with qualitative insights gained from surveys and user interviews. 
  • This holistic view helps comprehend both the 'what' and 'why' behind user feedback.

Impact and effort matrix:

  • Categorize feedback based on its potential impact on user experience and the required development effort. 
  • Prioritize high-impact, low-effort changes for quick wins. 
  • This approach not only enhances user experience swiftly but also establishes trust in the feedback loop.

Theme clustering:

  • Identify recurring themes and pain points across various feedback sources. 
  • By focusing on broader user needs instead of isolated issues, prioritize features that address these recurring themes. 
  • This strategic approach ensures that improvements resonate with a larger user base.

Integrating feedback into the development workflow

User stories and personas:

  • Translate valuable insights into user stories, ensuring they accurately represent user needs and desired outcomes. 
  • Update user personas to reflect new behaviors and pain points identified through feedback. 
  • This integration ensures that the development team remains aligned with user expectations.

Agile development and rapid prototyping:

  • Embrace iterative development cycles to swiftly test and refine features based on feedback. 
  • Utilize prototypes and A/B testing to validate proposed solutions before full implementation. 
  • This agile approach allows for quick adjustments based on real-time user input.

Feedback management tools:

  • Invest in tools that centralize and categorize feedback for the entire development team. 
  • This ensures that everyone involved has easy access to the feedback data, fostering collaboration and enabling effective tracking of progress in implementing feedback.

Closing the feedback loop and building trust

Transparency and communication:

  • Keep users informed about how their feedback is utilized. 
  • Share progress updates, explain design decisions, and acknowledge valuable suggestions. 
  • This transparent communication builds trust and encourages continued engagement from users.

In-app feedback mechanisms:

  • Facilitate ongoing feedback by embedding convenient channels within the app itself. 
  • Simple surveys, bug reporting tools, and a "suggest a feature" option can keep the conversation flowing seamlessly. 
  • This user-friendly approach encourages users to share their thoughts without leaving the app.

Metrics and user research:

  • Continuously monitor key metrics and conduct follow-up user research to measure the impact of implemented feedback. 
  • This data-driven approach validates your strategies and informs future iterations, ensuring that your app evolves in alignment with user preferences and expectations.

Let's now take a closer look at how leading companies leverage app feedback to shape their products and maintain a competitive edge.

How do top companies use app feedback in their products?

Top companies recognize the transformative power of app feedback. By actively listening to their user base, incorporating valuable insights into updates, and maintaining transparent communication, industry leaders ensure that their products evolve in tandem with user expectations:


YouTube, the video-sharing giant, exemplifies how top companies leverage app feedback to refine and enhance their products. For product owners and UX researchers, understanding YouTube's approach provides valuable insights into optimizing user experiences.

1) Constant iteration based on user feedback

Constant iteration based on user feedback

YouTube, with its vast user base, actively solicits feedback through its app. The platform encourages users to share their thoughts on video recommendations, user interface changes, and overall experience. This continuous feedback loop allows YouTube to iterate swiftly, addressing pain points and incorporating user preferences promptly.

Prompt feedback collection: YouTube's app features a simple and accessible feedback mechanism, making it easy for users to report issues or provide suggestions directly. This streamlined process ensures a steady influx of user insights.

Data-driven decision-making: YouTube's product team employs advanced analytics to sift through user feedback data. By analyzing trends and patterns, they identify common issues and prioritize updates accordingly. This data-driven approach helps in aligning the app with user expectations effectively.

Responsive feature implementation: YouTube often rolls out new features or tweaks existing ones based on user feedback. This responsiveness not only keeps the user base engaged but also fosters a sense of community involvement, making users feel heard and valued.

2) Enhancing personalization through user insights

Enhancing personalization through user insights

YouTube recognizes the significance of personalization in retaining users and tailors its app based on individual preferences. Leveraging app feedback, the platform refines its algorithms to offer a more personalized and enjoyable content experience.

Fine-tuning recommendation algorithms: User feedback on content recommendations plays a pivotal role in refining YouTube's recommendation algorithms. By understanding user preferences and adjusting algorithms accordingly, YouTube ensures that users are presented with content that aligns with their interests.

User-initiated personalization: YouTube's app actively encourages users to personalize their content feed. This includes adjusting settings, managing subscriptions, and providing feedback on recommended videos. This user-initiated personalization, influenced by feedback, empowers users to curate a more tailored content experience.

A/B testing for optimization: YouTube conducts a/b testing on various features, using user feedback to determine the most effective configurations. This iterative testing methodology, informed by user responses, allows the platform to optimize personalization features for a diverse user base.

3) Proactive issue resolution and community building

Proactive issue resolution and community building

Beyond addressing technical concerns, YouTube utilizes app feedback to foster a sense of community and trust among its users. Proactively resolving issues and engaging with the user base contributes to a positive and inclusive app environment.

Transparent communication: When issues arise, YouTube communicates transparently through the app, acknowledging user concerns and outlining steps being taken to address them. This transparency builds trust and demonstrates a commitment to user satisfaction.

Community forums and feedback channels: YouTube maintains community forums and feedback channels within the app, providing users with platforms to discuss concerns and suggestions. This inclusive approach not only identifies issues early but also encourages users to actively participate in shaping the platform's evolution.

Acknowledging user contributions: YouTube regularly acknowledges and highlights user contributions, whether through featured comments, shoutouts, or recognizing creative content. This practice reinforces a sense of community, encouraging users to continue providing valuable feedback.


Uber, a pioneer in the ride-sharing industry, exemplifies how top companies use app feedback to streamline and optimize the user experience. For product owners and UX researchers, understanding Uber's strategies offers valuable insights into creating user-centric products.

1) Real-time feedback integration for service improvement

Real-time feedback integration for service improvement

Uber's app places a strong emphasis on real-time feedback, allowing users to share their thoughts on every ride. This immediate feedback mechanism enables Uber to address issues promptly, ensuring a consistently high level of service.

In-the-moment feedback: Uber's app prompts users to provide feedback immediately after completing a ride. This in-the-moment approach captures real-time sentiments, offering a snapshot of the user experience when it's most relevant.

Quick issue resolution: By analyzing real-time feedback, Uber can quickly identify and address issues such as driver behavior, vehicle cleanliness, or route optimization. This swift problem resolution contributes to a positive user perception of the platform.

Driver performance enhancement: Uber utilizes driver feedback to assess performance and implement training or support programs. This feedback loop not only benefits users but also enhances the overall quality of the service by continually improving driver behavior and professionalism.

2) Iterative app design based on user suggestions

Iterative app design based on user suggestions

Uber actively seeks user suggestions for app improvements, ensuring that its design remains intuitive and user-friendly. The integration of user-generated ideas into the app's development process contributes to a seamless and enjoyable user experience.

User-centric app updates: Uber's app undergoes regular updates informed by user suggestions. Whether it's optimizing the booking process, simplifying navigation, or introducing new features, uber prioritizes changes that directly enhance the user experience.

Beta testing with user input: Before rolling out major updates, uber often conducts beta testing, inviting a select group of users to provide feedback on new features or design changes. This collaborative approach ensures that updates resonate positively with the wider user base.

Responsive design evolution: Uber's design team actively considers user feedback when evolving the app's interface. By being responsive to user preferences and behaviors, uber maintains a design that aligns with the evolving needs and expectations of its diverse user base.

3) Safety enhancement through user feedback insights

Safety enhancement through user feedback insights

Uber places a high premium on user safety and leverages app feedback to continually enhance safety features and protocols. The integration of user insights ensures that safety remains a top priority in the app's evolution.

Incident reporting and response: Users can report safety concerns or incidents directly through the Uber app. This feature not only empowers users but also provides Uber with critical information to investigate and address potential safety issues promptly.

Education and awareness campaigns: Uber uses feedback to identify areas where user education is needed. This insight informs the development of in-app resources and awareness campaigns, ensuring that users are well-informed about safety features and best practices.

Collaboration with law enforcement: In cases where user safety is a concern, uber collaborates with law enforcement based on information provided through the app's feedback system. This collaborative approach reinforces user trust in the platform's commitment to safety.


Amazon, a global e-commerce giant, showcases how top companies use app feedback to optimize the online shopping experience. For product owners and UX researchers, amazon's strategies offer valuable lessons in creating a user-friendly and customer-centric platform.

1) Customer reviews as a pillar of product information

Customer reviews as a pillar of product information

Amazon's app integrates customer reviews seamlessly, leveraging user-generated content to provide valuable insights for potential buyers. By prioritizing customer feedback, amazon enhances the reliability and transparency of product information.

User-generated product reviews: Amazon's app prominently displays user-generated product reviews, allowing potential buyers to make informed decisions based on the experiences of others. This crowdsourced approach builds trust and confidence in the platform.

Review sorting and filtering options: Amazon provides robust sorting and filtering options for reviews, allowing users to prioritize feedback based on relevance, helpfulness, or specific criteria. This customization empowers users to access the most relevant information for their purchasing decisions.

Seller and product ratings: Beyond individual product reviews, amazon aggregates seller and product ratings, offering users a comprehensive overview of the overall performance and reputation of sellers and the quality of products.

2) Iterative marketplace enhancement through seller feedback

Iterative marketplace enhancement through seller feedback

Amazon recognizes the symbiotic relationship between user satisfaction and the success of its sellers. The app actively incorporates seller feedback to improve the overall marketplace experience and foster a thriving e-commerce ecosystem.

Feedback on shipping and service: Amazon's app facilitates feedback on the seller's performance, including aspects such as shipping speed, communication, and customer service. This feedback loop helps sellers understand customer expectations and areas for improvement.

Performance metrics for sellers: Amazon provides sellers with performance metrics based on customer feedback. This transparent approach encourages sellers to prioritize customer satisfaction, contributing to a competitive marketplace where quality and service are paramount.

Seller education and support: Amazon utilizes feedback to identify common challenges faced by sellers. This insight informs the development of educational resources and support programs to help sellers succeed on the platform, aligning their efforts with customer expectations.

3) Continuous app refinement based on user suggestions

Continuous app refinement based on user suggestions

Amazon's app undergoes continuous refinement based on user suggestions, ensuring that the e-commerce platform remains intuitive, efficient, and aligned with evolving user preferences.

User-initiated feedback channels: Amazon actively encourages users to provide feedback on their app experience. This user-initiated feedback, whether through in-app prompts or dedicated channels, allows Amazon to capture diverse perspectives and preferences.

Responsive app updates: Amazon's app development team prioritizes user feedback when planning updates. Whether it's optimizing the checkout process, enhancing search functionality, or introducing new features, the app evolves based on the changing needs and expectations of users.

Accessibility and inclusivity considerations: Amazon uses user feedback to address accessibility and inclusivity concerns. This commitment to user diversity ensures that the app is designed to accommodate a wide range of users, promoting a more inclusive online shopping experience.

Now that we've explored how industry leaders use app feedback, let's consider the best tools available for collecting this valuable information.

Best tools to collect app feedback

Choosing the right tools is crucial for streamlining the app feedback collection process. From in-app feedback forms to dedicated feedback platforms, a variety of tools cater to the unique needs of product owners and UX researchers. 

Evaluating and selecting the most suitable tool is essential for a seamless feedback collection experience:

1) Blitzllama

Best tool to collect app feedback

Blitzllama stands out as a powerful tool for gathering in-app product feedback, catering to the needs of product owners and UX researchers. Its user-friendly interface ensures seamless integration within applications, allowing users to provide real-time feedback effortlessly. With customizable surveys and prompt delivery mechanisms, Blitzllama enables businesses to capture valuable insights on user experience, identify pain points, and enhance overall product satisfaction. The tool's analytics dashboard further simplifies data interpretation, empowering product teams to make informed decisions for continuous improvement.

2) Survicate


Survicate emerges as a versatile solution for comprehensive feedback collection, offering product owners and UX researchers a robust platform to gather insights at various touchpoints. Survicate's survey customization features allow for tailored questionnaires that align with specific user journeys. Its multichannel capabilities extend beyond in-app interactions, enabling feedback collection through websites and emails. Real-time analytics and reporting features empower product teams to track trends, measure user sentiment, and prioritize enhancements effectively. Survicate proves invaluable for those seeking a holistic approach to user feedback across diverse channels.

3) Delighted


Delighted excels in its simplicity and effectiveness, making it an ideal choice for product owners and UX researchers focused on obtaining actionable feedback. With a user-friendly interface, Delighted facilitates the creation of NPS (Net Promoter Score) surveys that swiftly gauge user satisfaction. Its automation features, including scheduled surveys and follow-up prompts, streamline the feedback collection process. The tool's real-time reporting and trend analysis capabilities equip teams with the data needed to pinpoint areas for improvement and prioritize user-driven enhancements. Delighted's straightforward approach makes it a valuable asset for those seeking hassle-free and impactful feedback collection strategies.


In conclusion, understanding and leveraging app feedback is crucial for product owners and UX researchers. 

Actively listening to user input allows for continuous improvement, ensuring that the app aligns with user needs and expectations. 

Regularly analyzing feedback leads to valuable insights, fostering a user-centric approach and enhancing overall user experience. 

By embracing a comprehensive feedback strategy, product owners can drive innovation, address issues promptly, and ultimately cultivate a more successful and user-friendly app.