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Improve NPS: 8 proven ways to improve NPS score (2024)

8 actionable ways to improve the NPS score - engage detractors, understand their pain points, and transform them into advocates.

January 14, 2024
Team Blitzllama

Struggling with a stagnant Net Promoter Score (NPS)? Your product team isn't alone.

Improving customer satisfaction is a challenge for many teams, but achieving a higher NPS score can be difficult.

Understanding the frustration, we've crafted a guide specifically for product teams looking to elevate their NPS score.

Picture a scenario where customers not only use your product but genuinely love it.

This article outlines eight straightforward and proven methods to boost your NPS score.

Equip your team with effective tactics to transform unhappy customers into brand advocates, elevating your product's popularity.

What is an NPS score?

The Net Promoter Score (NPS) is a measure that gauges customer loyalty and satisfaction with a product or service.

It helps product teams understand how likely customers are to recommend their product to others.

The score is based on a simple question: "On a scale of 0 to 10, how likely are you to recommend our product to a friend or colleague?" Respondents are categorized as Promoters (score 9-10), Passives (score 7-8), or Detractors (score 0-6).

A positive NPS indicates a higher likelihood of customer advocacy, while a negative score signals room for improvement.

Now that we've established what NPS is all about, let's explore why this score holds substantial importance for your product team's success.

Why does the NPS score matter?

The NPS score serves as a key indicator of customer satisfaction, impacting the growth and success of your product. This section delves into the reasons why the NPS score matters for your product team:

Why does the NPS score matter?

1) Gauges customer loyalty and word-of-mouth

The Net Promoter Score (NPS) serves as a crucial metric for gauging customer loyalty and predicting their likelihood to recommend a product. 

Derived from a simple question – "How likely are you to recommend our product to a friend or colleague?" – NPS categorizes respondents as Promoters, Passives, or Detractors. 

By focusing on Promoters, companies identify satisfied customers who are likely to advocate for the product, contributing positively to word-of-mouth marketing. 

Understanding customer loyalty through NPS empowers product teams to strengthen relationships and enhance customer satisfaction.

2) Predicts churn and growth

NPS is a powerful predictor of customer churn and growth. 

A high NPS indicates satisfied customers who are less likely to churn, contributing to the stability and retention of the customer base. 

Conversely, a low NPS signals potential issues that may lead to customer attrition. 

Monitoring NPS trends over time helps product teams proactively address issues and improve customer satisfaction, thereby influencing the product's growth trajectory. 

NPS acts as an early warning system, allowing teams to implement strategic interventions and prevent customer defection.

3) Informs product roadmap

Product teams leverage NPS insights to inform their product roadmap. 

Feedback from Promoters and Detractors provides valuable information about what customers appreciate and where improvements are needed. 

By analyzing the qualitative comments accompanying NPS scores, product teams gain actionable insights into specific features, functionalities, or user experiences that require attention. 

This direct feedback loop ensures that the product roadmap aligns with customer expectations, fostering continuous improvement and innovation.

4) Aligns teams across the company

NPS serves as a common language that aligns teams across the company. 

Whether it's product, marketing, customer support, or other departments, NPS unifies everyone around a shared goal – customer satisfaction. 

Teams can collaboratively work towards improving NPS, fostering cross-functional communication and cooperation. 

This alignment ensures that all departments are focused on enhancing the overall customer experience, leading to a cohesive and customer-centric organizational culture.

5) Benchmarks against competitors

NPS provides a valuable benchmark for comparing a company's performance against competitors. 

By understanding how customers perceive a product relative to alternatives in the market, product teams gain insights into their competitive position. 

Tracking the competitive landscape through NPS benchmarks allows teams to identify areas of strength and weakness, enabling strategic decision-making. 

This external perspective enhances the team's understanding of market dynamics, guiding them to make informed adjustments to the product strategy to stay competitive.

With a clear understanding of the importance of NPS, let's explore the various factors that can influence your NPS score.

What factors affect the NPS score?

Several factors contribute to the fluctuations in your NPS score. Identifying and understanding these elements is essential for pinpointing areas of improvement and enhancing overall customer satisfaction. 

Factors affect the NPS score

In this section, we'll break down the key factors that can influence your NPS score, providing valuable insights for your product team.:

Product factors:

1) Usability and functionality:

The ease with which customers navigate a product significantly impacts their Net Promoter Score (NPS). A user-friendly interface and intuitive design contribute to a positive experience, fostering satisfaction and likelihood to recommend. Complex or confusing layouts can lead to frustration, negatively impacting NPS.

2) Product performance and reliability:

Customers value consistency and reliability in a product. When a product consistently performs well without glitches or errors, it builds trust. A reliable product experience contributes positively to NPS. Frequent breakdowns, bugs, or performance issues can lead to dissatisfaction and detract from the overall score.

3) Feature set and value:

The features a product offers and their perceived value by users play a crucial role in determining NPS. A well-balanced feature set that aligns with customer needs and expectations enhances satisfaction. On the other hand, a product with unnecessary or irrelevant features may lead to frustration, affecting the NPS negatively.

Pricing and value perception:

1) Pricing Fairness and competitiveness:

Customers assess the fairness and competitiveness of a product's pricing when forming opinions. Transparent and reasonable pricing fosters positive sentiments, contributing to higher NPS. Conversely, if customers perceive the pricing as unjust or significantly higher than competitors, it can lead to dissatisfaction and lower NPS.

2) Subscription flexibility and trial experience:

The flexibility offered in subscription plans and the experience during trial periods influence NPS. Customers appreciate options that align with their needs, such as customizable plans or trial periods that allow thorough exploration. A rigid subscription model or a subpar trial experience can result in negative feedback and lower NPS.

3) Transparency and billing practices:

Transparent and straightforward billing practices contribute positively to NPS. Hidden fees or unclear billing statements can create frustration and erode trust. Customers value a clear understanding of what they are paying for, and any ambiguity in billing practices may lead to a lower NPS.

Customer support:

1) Responsiveness and availability:

Prompt and accessible customer support positively impacts NPS. Customers appreciate timely responses to queries or issues. The availability of support channels, such as live chat or phone support, enhances the overall customer experience. Delayed responses or limited availability can result in dissatisfaction and lower NPS.

2) Proactiveness and personalization:

Proactive customer support that anticipates and addresses potential issues before they arise contributes to a positive NPS. Personalized interactions, where support teams understand and cater to individual customer needs, foster a sense of importance and satisfaction. Generic or reactive support may lead to a less favorable NPS.

3) Regular communication and engagement:

A comprehensive knowledge base and resources that empower customers to troubleshoot issues independently positively impact NPS. Customers appreciate having access to helpful articles, tutorials, and FAQs. Inadequate or poorly organized resources may lead to frustration and negatively influence NPS.

Relationship and communication:

1) Regular communication and engagement:

Consistent communication and engagement with customers contribute positively to NPS. Regular updates, newsletters, or relevant content that adds value to the customer experience enhance satisfaction. Infrequent or sporadic communication can create a sense of neglect, impacting NPS adversely.

2) Openness to feedback and iteration:

Customers value companies that actively seek and act upon feedback. An open attitude towards receiving input and a commitment to continuous improvement contribute positively to NPS. Conversely, a lack of responsiveness to customer feedback may result in dissatisfaction and a lower NPS.

3) Personalization and recognition:

Personalizing interactions and recognizing customers for their loyalty or contributions positively impact NPS. Customers appreciate when companies acknowledge their individual needs and preferences. Generic or impersonal communication may lead to a diminished sense of connection and lower NPS.

Having explored the factors influencing the NPS score, let's move on to the practical aspect of calculating this metric.

How to calculate the NPS score

Calculating the NPS score is a straightforward process that involves understanding customer responses to a simple question. This section provides a step-by-step guide on how to calculate the NPS score, empowering your product team to measure and monitor customer loyalty effectively:

1) Conduct the NPS survey

To kickstart the process of calculating the Net Promoter Score (NPS), begin by conducting a straightforward survey among your customers. Craft a concise NPS questionnaire, focusing on a single key question: "On a scale of 0 to 10, how likely are you to recommend our product to others?" Ensure that the survey is easy to comprehend and takes only a few minutes to complete.

Distribute the survey: Use various channels such as email, in-app notifications, or website pop-ups to reach your customers. Keep it accessible and convenient for them to respond.

Collect honest feedback: Encourage candid responses by assuring respondents that their feedback is valued and will contribute to enhancing the product. Emphasize the importance of their opinions in shaping future improvements.

Set a time frame: Specify a reasonable timeframe for survey completion to maintain a sense of urgency. A shorter time frame encourages quicker responses, providing you with a more accurate snapshot of current sentiments.

Leverage multiple touchpoints: Utilize different stages of the customer journey to capture diverse perspectives. Whether it's after a purchase, a support interaction, or product usage, varied touchpoints ensure a comprehensive understanding of customer satisfaction.

NPS Survey example

2) Categorize responses

Once you've gathered the survey responses, the next step is to categorize them into three distinct groups: Promoters, Passives, and Detractors. Each group plays a crucial role in determining the overall NPS.

Promoters (Scores 9-10): Identify and tally respondents who gave a score of 9 or 10. These customers are considered enthusiastic advocates of your product. They are likely to recommend it to others, contributing positively to your brand.

Passives (Scores 7-8): Group respondents with scores of 7 or 8 as Passives. These customers are satisfied but not overly enthusiastic. While they may not actively promote your product, they are also unlikely to speak negatively about it.

Detractors (Scores 0-6): Focus on respondents who provided scores between 0 and 6. These customers are dissatisfied and may share negative feedback about your product. Understanding and addressing their concerns is crucial for improving overall customer satisfaction.

Calculate percentages: Determine the percentage of respondents falling into each category. This step provides a clear overview of your customer sentiment distribution.

NPS categories

3) Calculate the NPS score

With the categorized responses in hand, calculating the Net Promoter Score involves a straightforward arithmetic process.

Subtract detractors from promoters: Subtract the percentage of Detractors from the percentage of Promoters. The resulting figure represents the Net Promoter Score.

Ignore passives for the calculation: Passives are not factored into the NPS calculation. The focus is on the extremes – those who strongly advocate for your product and those who express dissatisfaction.

Interpret the score: The NPS can range from -100 to +100. A positive score indicates more promoters than detractors, while a negative score suggests the opposite. The closer the score is to +100, the more favorable the overall sentiment.

Track changes over time: Regularly conduct NPS surveys to monitor changes in customer sentiment. Tracking trends over time helps your product team assess the impact of improvements or changes implemented based on previous feedback.

NPS formula

By following these straightforward steps, product teams can efficiently calculate and interpret the Net Promoter Score, gaining valuable insights into customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Now that we know how to calculate the NPS score, let's shift our focus to strategies aimed at improving and elevating this crucial metric.

How to improve the NPS score?

Improving your NPS score requires a strategic approach and a commitment to customer satisfaction. This section explores actionable tips and techniques that your product team can implement to enhance the NPS score, fostering stronger relationships with your user base:

Improve the NPS score

1) Selecting the right tool

To boost your Net Promoter Score (NPS), start by choosing a tool tailored to your needs. Prioritize customization options, ensuring the survey aligns with your brand. Opt for a user-friendly tool, simplifying the process for respondents. Focus on data analysis capabilities for extracting valuable insights. Additionally, consider collaboration features to involve diverse teams in NPS efforts.

2) Survey design

Crafting an effective survey is pivotal. Choose between in-product or email formats based on user behavior. Consider a follow-up question to delve deeper into responses. Keep the survey concise, respecting users' time. Strive for clarity in questions, avoiding ambiguity. A well-designed survey enhances user engagement, contributing to more accurate NPS results.

NPS survey deisgn

3) Segment the target audience

Avoid the one-size-fits-all approach. Segment your audience based on key parameters such as user type, activity level, or payment status. Tailor NPS surveys to these segments, acknowledging their unique experiences. This approach provides nuanced insights, allowing targeted improvements for different user groups.

NPS segmentation

4) Timing

Strategically time your NPS surveys for maximum impact. Send them post-meaningful interactions, like completing a session. For instance, if your product is a meditation app, gather feedback after users finish a meditation session. This ensures the survey captures their experience at a relevant moment, increasing the likelihood of valuable feedback.

NPS survey timing

5) Analyzing the data

Conduct both quantitative and qualitative analyses of NPS data. Identify trends, patterns, and correlations quantitatively. Delve into qualitative feedback to understand the 'why' behind scores. Pinpoint areas of improvement highlighted by detractors and leverage strengths from promoters. Benchmark against industry standards for a comprehensive evaluation.

NPS data analysis

6) Quick follow-ups and acting on insights

Promptly respond to NPS feedback. Initiate quick follow-ups, especially with detractors, through your customer success team. Demonstrate a commitment to addressing concerns and finding solutions. Use insights gained to enhance product features, addressing pain points and strengthening areas that resonate positively with users.

NPS follow-up

7) Customer-centric culture

Instill a customer-centric mindset across your organization. Every employee should understand their role in improving customer experience and NPS. Foster a culture that values and prioritizes customer feedback. Regularly communicate the impact of individual contributions to the overall customer experience, reinforcing a collective commitment to excellence.

8) Leveraging the promoters

Harness the power of promoters to amplify your brand. Encourage satisfied users to become advocates. Improve referral programs to leverage their network. Request testimonials or build case studies showcasing positive experiences. Transforming promoters into vocal advocates not only boosts NPS but also contributes to organic growth and a positive brand image.

Having learned strategies to boost your NPS score, let's explore the best tools available for conducting NPS surveys and gathering valuable customer feedback.

Best tools for NPS survey

Choosing the right tools for NPS surveys is instrumental in collecting and analyzing customer feedback efficiently. In this final section, we'll highlight some of the best tools available, equipping your product team with the means to conduct effective NPS surveys and make data-driven decisions for continuous improvement:

1) Blitzllama


Blitzllama stands out among NPS survey tools with its unique feature of GPT-powered analytics. This tool automatically categorizes feedback into topics and sentiments, providing valuable insights for product teams. The simplicity of the interface ensures easy integration, and the recommendations offered enhance decision-making. With Blitzllama, product teams can efficiently gather and analyze customer feedback, making it an indispensable tool for in-product surveys.

2) Survey Monkey

Survey Monkey

Survey Monkey is a user-friendly tool that simplifies the NPS survey process. With its intuitive interface, product teams can effortlessly create surveys, reaching a wide audience. The tool's robust analytics feature provides actionable insights, allowing teams to make informed decisions based on customer feedback. Survey Monkey's versatility and ease of use make it a go-to solution for product teams seeking valuable NPS data without the complexity.

3) Survicate


Survicate excels in delivering targeted feedback through NPS surveys. This tool allows product teams to tailor surveys to specific customer segments, ensuring more relevant insights. The user-friendly interface facilitates easy customization, enabling teams to focus on particular aspects of their product or service. Survicate's emphasis on precision in gathering NPS data makes it an effective tool for product teams aiming to address specific areas of improvement based on customer feedback.


In conclusion, boosting your Net Promoter Score (NPS) involves straightforward actions. Start by listening actively to customer feedback and promptly addressing concerns. Enhance communication to ensure customers feel valued and understood. 

Simplify processes to make interactions smoother and more enjoyable. Train your team to provide excellent service consistently. Leverage technology for efficient and user-friendly experiences. Foster a customer-centric culture within your organization. 

Regularly measure and analyze NPS data to track progress and identify areas for improvement. Implementing these practical strategies will lead to increased customer satisfaction, loyalty, and ultimately, a higher NPS score for your product.

FAQs related to improving NPS

1) How can we improve NPS?

Improving Net Promoter Score (NPS) involves enhancing customer satisfaction and loyalty. Focus on addressing customer pain points by gathering feedback through surveys and identifying key areas for improvement. Prioritize customer-centric initiatives and implement changes based on feedback. Train your team to provide excellent customer service and communicate effectively. Regularly review and refine your products or services to align with customer expectations. By consistently delivering value and exceeding customer expectations, you can positively impact and improve your NPS over time.

2) What does improved NPS mean?

An improved NPS signifies a higher level of customer loyalty and satisfaction. When customers rate your product or service higher on the NPS scale, it indicates a stronger likelihood that they will recommend it to others. This word-of-mouth promotion can lead to increased customer acquisition and retention. Improved NPS reflects a positive customer experience, demonstrating that your business not only meets but exceeds expectations. As a result, your brand gains a more favorable reputation, fostering trust and loyalty among your customer base.

3) What makes a good NPS?

A good NPS is characterized by a high percentage of promoters and a low percentage of detractors. Promoters are customers who are likely to recommend your product or service, while detractors are less satisfied and may share negative feedback. Aim to create a seamless customer experience, providing value at every touchpoint. Consistent product quality, effective communication, and exceptional customer service contribute to a good NPS. Regularly monitor customer feedback and address concerns promptly to maintain and improve your NPS score.

4) Is an NPS of 20% good?

An NPS of 20% is considered below average and indicates room for improvement. While not necessarily a failing score, it suggests a higher proportion of detractors than promoters. Strive for a higher NPS by analyzing customer feedback, identifying pain points, and implementing targeted improvements. A good NPS typically exceeds 50%, reflecting a strong positive sentiment among customers. Aim to continuously enhance your products or services, address customer concerns, and foster a customer-centric culture to achieve a higher and more favorable NPS.